Hello, I’m Alessia Bonari, a nurse from Tuscany, Italy. I have been experiencing life on the frontlines during the COVID-19 crisis and am unable to forget the horrors that I have witnessed throughout the last couple of months. While I am psychologically exhausted, I will continue to care of my patients no matter the circumstances as I am proud and love my job more than anything. However, since I am a nurse, I am afraid to go to work as I may have accidentally contaminated my gloves by touching something dirty or what if my mask does not cover my eyes properly? These are questions I worry about every day as even though I am young, I am not immune to the virus and neither are other people that I could pass it onto. I am physically exhausted and have bruises and scars from the protective devices. Once I put on my scrubs, I am unable to use the bathroom or drink for six hours to prevent contamination. What I am begging anyone that reads this post is to be selfless and stay inside so that we can protect those who are the most fragile. We need to unite and fight this battle together, so please do your part and I will continue to do mine.
